| 製程服務| 自行操作流程與辦法
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自行操作流程與辦法Self-Operation Procedure and Method


 It's mandatory for all users to take and pass necessary training before operating the equipment.
(Note: If using the method of "MES" > " Equipment Operation Training" to operate, there will be no charge.)

收費方式 Fee

  • 學界:自行操作以訂價*10%收費。(請參考製程元件收費標準)
    Academia:Self-operation is charged 10% of the listed price*。(Please refer to The List Price)
  • 業界:不開放自行操作服務。
    Industry:Self-operation is accessible only to the academic users.

申請流程 Application Procedure

Member registration> Project family relationship set-up (only for the first-time application)>Training courses>Occupational safety training>Equipment operation training and assessment >Access card application>Self-operation

訓練課程 Training Course

  1. 製程技術儀器設備需具備的資格 Qualifications required for process technology equipment:
    • TSRI 完全抵免課程成績單影本(如:半導體實驗及格)。
      A copy of transcript for the TSRI’s full-transferred course
    • TSRI 半抵免課程成績單影本&TSRI SM01-1 課程合格證書影本。
      A copy of transcript for the TSRI’s half- transferred course & a copy of TSRI SM01-1 course certificate
    • TSRI SM01 課程與 SM01-1 課程合格證書影本。
      Copies of TSRI SM01 and SM01-1 course certificates
  2. 高頻量測儀器設備需具備的資格 Qualifications required for high-frequency measuring equipment
    • 電性量測(EX:IV,CV)量測:第1項資格或TSRI HF01課程合格證書影本。
      Electrical measurement (EX:IV,CV):The first qualification or a Certificate in TSRI HF01 course.
    • 其它高頻量測設備:TSRI HF01課程合格證書影本。
      Other high frequency measurement equipment:Copy of TSRI HF01 course certificate.
  3. 檢測分析儀器設備需具備的資格 Qualifications required for analysis equipment
    • TSRI NM01課程合格證書影本。
    • Copy of TSRI NM01 course certificate.
Please refer to the link below 「Full-Transferred Course/Half-Transferred Course」 for more information.

職安教育訓練課程 Occupational Safety Training

Please refer to the link below「Occupational Safety Training Registration procedure」 for more information.

儀器設備訓練及考核 Equipment Training and Assessment

  1. 登入會員系統完成註冊。 若無學長帶,可親至本中心客服中心查詢通過訓練人員,本中心對每一位教授之學生僅負責訓練一人,通過儀器設備訓練之學員皆有義務訓練其它學員。
    Log in to TSRI Membership System and finish the registration.If there is no experienced user in the university laboratory, please go to TSRI customer service center to find the users that had be qualified. TSRI is only responsible for training one student for each professor, and the students who have passed the equipment training are obliged to train other students.
  2. 設備考核表:請至 「儀器設備訓練申請」下載 (請自行判別儀器開放等級,一部儀器填寫一張)
    Please download from 「Equipment Assessment Form」.
  3. 儀器開放等級:(未通過考核前,須由領有磁卡之學員或本中心同仁陪同,才能進出無塵室。)
    Equipment Classification:
    (Before passing the equipment operation assessment, students who want to enter TSRI clean rooms should be accompanied by TSRI staff or the students that have access cards.)

    設備等級 Equipment opening grade 說明 DESCRIPTIONS 開放自行操作 SELF-OPERATION 開放委託操作 OEM Service
    A級 以合作研究方式共用 / 學術重要性為考量因素但公佈申請者及使用者 / Must be under an expert technician or professor/Open for the collaborative research / While academic significance is the main concern, the names of the applicant and the user will be made public.  X X
    B1 服務各型計畫使用 / 使用者可以經短期訓練後操作。 Open for the project use/ Users can operate after short-term training. V X
    B2 服務各型計畫使用 / 自行操作人員限制:原則上同一實驗室碩士班學生不得超過二人、博士班學生不限。Open for the project use/ 
    Self-operation users:In principle, there should be no more than two master students in the same laboratory, and no limit to doctoral students.
    V V
    B3 限博士班學生受訓後自行操作。Open to doctoral students  can operate after training. V(限博士生) V
    B4 服務各型計畫使用 / 委託操作。Open for the project use/ Entrust to TSRI. X V
    C 研發期間不開放使用 / 專注於研發或提升特殊設備之功能。It is not open during the research and development period. To be discussion

磁卡申請及使用說明 Access Card Application and Instruction for use

  1. 磁卡申請 Access Card Application
    Get the Self-operation qualifications, download “Application Form for Access Card”, pay the deposit of NT$300, and then take the application form to the customer service center to receive the access card.
  2. 使用說明 Instructions for use:
    • 學界自行操作服務對象為有通過計畫主持人授權之計畫使用者。
      The access card is just for the Self-operation service, and the Self-operation service is accessible only to those who have been authorized by the principal investigators.
    • 若尚無計畫者,請至「計畫家族關係申請」,完成申請。
      The user who doesn't have any project, please click on the link and establish「Project Family Relationship
    • 領取磁卡學員可憑磁卡進出核可之儀器設備放置區域。
      The authorized user can be allowed to enter the equipment control area by access card.
    • 通過儀器設備考核且領取磁卡的學員,請至「儀器設備預約」頁面進行。
      Those who pass the equipment assessments and obtain the assess cards can visit the website 「Equipment Appointment」for booking the equipment usages.
  3. 使用限制 Restrictions
    • 未考核通過之儀器設備,禁止操作設備。
      It is forbidden to operate the equipment that the applicant has not qualified for using it.
    • 嚴禁磁卡轉借他人使用。
      It is strictly forbidden to lend the access card to others.
    • 使用磁卡時,須個別刷卡。除帶領參觀、接受訓練、維修、裝機等人員外,禁止一人刷卡,數人同時進出。
      Please respectively swipe the access card, except for the approved visits, maintenance, installation or equipment operation training. It is forbidden for one person swiping the card and several persons entering the room at the same time. 
    • 嚴禁未經允准即帶領不相干人員進入實驗室(如欲帶人參觀應先申請)。
      It is strictly forbidden to bring irrelevant person into the laboratory without permission.
    • 未通過職安教育訓練者,禁止進入實驗室。
      Those who have not passed the occupational safety training are prohibited from entering the laboratory.
    • 通過考試後,若因故被取消使用資格,須再申請並通過考試。
      The user that is disqualified for some reason has to reapply and pass the assessment.
    • 各學術單位之教授欲申請磁卡以進出本中心實驗室使用儀器設備時,其申請辦法同使用者辦理。
      If professors want to apply for access cards to enter the laboratory to use equipment, the application procedure is the same as the above.
    • 儀器設備經預約成功後,若因故無法到場自行操作請務必於上線取消預約時段。
      If the user cannot operate the equipment at the scheduled time, please cancel the reservation online .

磁卡及會員資料確認 Access card and membership confirmation

  1. 為管理磁卡使用與會員資料正確性,本中心於每學期開學後(約 3 月及 9 月左右)進行磁卡確認及線上會員資料確認作業,請參閱訊息公告
    In order to manage the use of access card and the accuracy of membership information, TSRI will conduct access card and membership confirmation after the start of each semester (around March and September). Please refer to the  announcement.
  2. 由學士轉為碩班生或由碩士轉為博班生,請重新填寫使用者基本資料表,並繳交學士專題報告或碩班畢業論文(電子檔)至客服中心。
    For any change of status, please re-fill user information form, and upload the file of senior project report or thesis to TSRI official website.

退卡作業 Returning the Access Card

Please apply for a refund of the access card deposit on the TSRI official website>member service.The name of the bank account must be the same as the name of the member.

聯絡資訊 Contacts

新竹(Hsinchu): 賴小姐 Ms. Lai   Tel: (03)5773693 ext. 7637
台南(Tainan): 周小姐 Ms. Zhou  Tel: (06)2090160 ext. 6632