| 製程服務| 委託操作流程與辦法
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委託操作流程與辦法OEM Service Procedure and Method

申請流程 Application Procedure

1.製程評估 Process Evaluation
Please confirm the feasibility of the process with the engineer, please refer to the equipment list or contact window.
2.線上申請 Application online
Visit TSRI official Website → login member → [ MES ] → apply online by following the steps
3.審核估價 Estimate
TSRI will evaluate and Estimate, in this state, the MES system will display 「Trial」.
4.列印送件 Print MES Entrustment Operation Application Form
Academia & Institutes:Print the“Service NoView” when the MES system status shows " Created". Industry:Print the“Service NoView” when the MES system status shows " Confirm".
5.代工/完工/取件 Entrusted operation/ Finished/ retrieve
Please package according to the regulations and paste the form“Service NoView” when delivering the entrusted operation materials to TSRI customer service center . When the entrusted operation is finished, the MES system will Notify by email.
6.結案/結帳 Checkout
Academia:monthly accounting
Industry:Single checkout and post invoice.

設備列表Equipment List


注意事項 Notice

  1. 外盒上務必寫上姓名和電話,並以保鮮膜包裹。
    Be sure to write your name and phone number on the box and wrap up with plastic wrap.
  2. 委託製程申請表務必牢牢貼在外盒上。
    The form“Service NoView” must be firmly attached to the box.
  3. 送進無塵室代工的「委託製程申請表」需用無塵紙列印。
    The form ”Service NoView” sent to TSRI cleanroom for entrusted operation needs to be printed on Dust-free paper.